
  • Styling Session

    Use the clothes you own and discover your unique personal style and brand words. Choose from a Style Card Reading, Fit and Color Discovery, a Closet Sort, or New Outfit Techniques. 2.5 to 3 hours with personal digital closet photos - $800

  • Closet Clear and Curate

    Delve into your closet, sort through your clothes and discover the eleven essential items you need to build closet capsules, style new outfits, and get the most cost-per-wear out of your clothes. 2.5 to 3 hours with personal digital closet. - $800

  • Personal Shopping

    Avoid costly shopping mistakes and make excellent new clothing purchases. I shop the stores for you. sift through the sales and source your size and style. Then you try on and make purchases that truly flatter, fit your style so you can be who you want and communicate your excellence in the world. 2.5 to 3 hours in the store plus pre-shopping - $1100 or online shopping $800

  • New Outfits - Creating and Styling

    This is an entire session focused on creating and styling new outfits. Each outfit fits and flatters you, is accessorized and photographed so you can recreate each one all season long. This session can be in your closet or online with a long mirror, full lighting and camera preset. 2.5 to 3 hours $800

  • Headshot Photo Session for the Real You

    No more stilted or staid headshots! You and your outfits should be IRL and online looking dynamic and bring the entirety of your experience to your style and brand. This is a special event and it includes planning your brand, outfit creating, hair and makeup, and photography by a professional with me as your stylist. I handle the details and ensure that it’s fun and focused. $2100

  • Web & Graphic Design

    Calling all creative entrepreneurs! Do you need a useful, simple and elegant website? Do you need help setting up a store, email or do you want graphics that relay your style and services to your target audience? I’ve done this for over fifteen years and I can help you look good online too. Prices based on projects

  • Strategic Style Coaching

    My style expertise is available in three month packages so you can ask so you have expert guidance with new purchases and new outfits. This package consists of bi-weekly check-ins, a three hour deep dive once a month, and unlimited texts and emails answered within 24 hours. $2100 for three months.

  • Purchase

    Get a $100 discount when you pay $700 here for a $800 session.

    You will be contacted within 24 hours to schedule.

Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. fashion is in the sky and in the streets. fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. -Chanel

you don’t have to wait -

Start clearing your closet with these expert instructions